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Civil Engineering

What We Do

We solve problems, create cost efficient plans, and get them approved quickly.

We create design plans that contractors can build. We meet all regulations and make it work.

Value Engineering Upfront

Would adding one more storm sewer inlet and a few feet up pipe save 10 times that much in pavement costs?   These are the kinds of questions we ask ourselves on every project.

We don’t just get our information from a book. We’ve been in the field and understand how things are constructed, and we design accordingly.

We value engineer our plans from the start. This allows us to design in a way that contractors and owners like to build, so you don’t have to ask yourself, could it be built for less.

We find the ways to get the most for the money upfront, while designing it well and doing it right.


Plans are easily built, easy to read, and value engineered – all keys to a successful project.